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Already around 1400 the property was mentioned as a mill in the "Gültbuch-Tannenberg" and then was destroyed by the turmoil of the 30-year war in 1634 to its foundations.
For 153 years, the mill remained ruinous until 1787, on the initiative of Prince George von Hessen, a new mill was built on the old foundation walls. 1872 this mill experienced the same fate as its predecessor and was destroyed for the second time by fire. Prince Alexander von Hessen set the yourse for a gastronomic use of the estate the same year. The house was
rebuilt and turned into a guest house. From then on thee name Brandhof was a term in the region.

Until the year 1910, counties and princes visited the Stettbacher Tal, before Prince Ludwig von Battenberg finally sold the Brandhof into civil hands. Furthermore Brandhof remained a hospitable place and in 1964 was sold to Mr and Mrs Elise and Oswald Althaus. They developed the restaurant to a hotel from time to time and her son Jörg Althaus leaded the hotel until 2022 with business partner Adriana Dumitrascu with a lot of engagement. Since 2023, Adriana Dumitrascu and the new business partner,  but long-standing employee, Laura Imhoff, have continued to run the business.

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